As I pointed out earlier, there are opinions stated on both sides of the issue. In my eleven years on this and other forums, I have rarely witnessed calm and rational discussion of this subject. It's interesting that the observations made by professional artists -- myself included -- have not been commented on, at least that I've noticed.
I'm not one for controversy or unpleasant exchanges, but if you say "no" to hidden imagery, kindly provide a reasoned argument against.
Comments on the letter below?
Originally written for elders and WT officials, the letter below was written by Michael Graves, who studied commercial illustration, graphic arts and photography at Bakersfield College. His professional work includes medical photography, photo-micrography, illustration and commercial photography.
The letter is addressed "To whom it may concern," 21 February 1992:
"At first glance the illustrations [Watch Tower 'commercial art images depicting religious scenes'] I examined appeared quite normal, but after closer examination, it became apparent that there are many images and symbols integrated into the scenes. Upon further investigation of the illustrations, I noticed a consistent motif and repeatability of these same symbols in every illustration I studied. Some of the symbols and images are so obvious they interrupt the normal flow of lines, shape, and form of the artwork. It is quite apparent the illustrators would use highlights and shadows in the scenes to conceal the symbols in such a manner that they are not clearly distinguishable. However, armed with the knowledge that the symbols may be present, it becomes quite easy to distinguish and isolate these images from the given illustration.
"In conclusion, it is my professional opinion that these figures are present in the illustrations, not by coincidence, but by clear conscious efforts by the originators of the artwork."
Michael Graves